分卷阅读29 (第1/1页)
「我在百货公司看到它,上面的宝石让我想到天空,和你的眼睛。 」「所以……」埃德蒙多拉长语尾,脸上堆满混乱。 「所以我把它买下来,送给你。 」李焰将视线从项链转到埃德蒙多的脸上,望着夜血者深蓝色的眼瞳、白瓷般的面颊轻唱道:「我看见湛蓝的天空,以及雪白的云朵(I see skies of blue, and clouds of white)。 」埃德蒙多没有反应,一动也不动地看着李焰整整十秒,然后忽然前倾上身,吻上金发青年的嘴唇。 李焰双眼圆睁,近距离嗅到埃德蒙多的气味,感觉到对方嘴唇的柔软,脑内随之响起红衣女歌手和老黑人歌者的声音。 ──丝绒般深沉的夜晚里我俩合而为一──多么美好的世界======================================================这回引用了两首歌,分别是电影教父的主题曲,和知名爵士歌曲,两首歌的完整歌词请往下走:Speak softly loveAnd hold me warm against your heartI feel your wordsThe terembling moments startWe're in a world, our very ownSharing a love that only few have ever knownWine-colored days warmed by the sunDeep velvet nights when we are oneSpeak softly loveSo no one hears us but the skyThe vows of love we make will live until we dieMy life is yours and all becauseYou came into my world with love so softly loveI see trees of green, red roses tooI see them bloom for me and youAnd I think to myself What a wonderful world.I see skies of blue and clouds of whiteThe bright blessed day, the dark sacred nightAnd I think to myself What a wonderful world.The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the skyAre also on the faces of people going byI see friends shaking hands saying how do you doThey're really saying I love you.I hear babies cry, I watch them growThey'll learn much more than I'll never knowAnd I think to myself What a wonderful worldYes I think to myself What a wonderful world. 本回BGM油管:站:油管:站: 进入模式 5048/66/1 14:48:00更 ,19 树前月下的交迭 当埃德蒙多意识到自己吻了李焰时,他已经在人类的嘴唇上停留超过五秒。 ──我我我我我我都做了什么啊啊啊啊!尖叫声在夜血者脑中回荡,他放开李焰的嘴唇迅速后退,正思索化解尴尬的言语时,忽然被金发青年一把按倒在地垫上。 而在埃德蒙多的背脊撞上垫子的同一秒,李焰的双唇也贴了上来,金发青年压着、咬着、吸着另一人的唇瓣,技巧为零的吻与其说是传达亲密的举动,不如说是掠食者对猎物的啃食。 原始粗暴的吻持续了将近一分半,当李焰以双手撑起自己的上半身时──他跨跪在埃德蒙多身上,他不只喘着气,嘴角还隐约能看见唾液的反光。 埃德蒙多仰望李焰的脸庞,在对方俯视自己的眼眸中看见灼热、毫无遮掩的欲求,身体随之发热,下腹也开始蠢蠢欲动。 ──冷静点,这里可不是适合办事的地方!埃德蒙多的理性如此警告,他体内的躁