Metaverse Tycoon Sirius 01 (第1/4页)
Metaverse Ty Sirius 01
Metaverse Ty Sirius 01
The sun has lost its tenderness in spring,
Like a fireball shining on the earth,
seems to give off all the heat,
It tanned the asphalt, tanned the faces of passersby,
The sun is so big that the tree does not dare to swing at all,
Even the sun cracked the earth, and poured a basin of water on the ground,
The thirsty earth sucks at once,
The sea breeze is blowing, with a little damp smell,
The houses in the distance are misty and smoky,
like a mirage,
The mountains are rolling up and down,
looming, smoky,
like a paradise oh,
Pieces of green in different shades,
Like patches of green misty o,
There is a small stream beside the lotus pond,
The stream is microwaved,
crystal clear,
The sound of rushing water is clear and pleasant,
As if singing the symphony of spring,
Uer small fish swaying gracefully,
Naughty blowing little bubbles,
The wind caressed all kinds of flowers and pnts by the stream,
Bend it now and then,
sometimes lift it up,
As if the earth was breathing rhythmically,
The grass that just sticks its head out,
Watg the outside world carefully,
There is a bridge over the creek,
The long branches on the side of the bridge hang in a string,
into the stream,
The flowers follow the breeze,
danced lightly,
The flowers are fragrant, the petals