分卷阅读49 (第2/2页)
情侣,像他们一样,吃过晚饭后,在公园听着乐队的表演,度过休闲时间。 乐队的女歌手嗓略微沙哑,歌声自带黑胶唱片的质感。她唱着非常符合傍晚氛围的意大利歌谣,宋晓靠在程健的胸前,听得入迷。程健抬手圈着她的肩膀,与她一起享受这场表演。 一曲唱毕,女歌手用意大利语说了句什么。程健听不太懂,但听出了她最后说了一个英文歌名。 阿黛尔的Make You Feel My Love. 他心里一动,捏了下宋晓的肩膀。 宋晓抬头:“怎么啦?” 他笑了一下:“没什么。” 话音刚落,女歌手的声音便从音箱中传了出来。 When the rain is blowing in your face, 当雨吹落在你的脸庞 and the whole world is on your case, 当全世界不停地指责你 I could offer you a warm embrace 我真想给你一个热烈的拥抱 to make you feel my love. 好让你感受到我的爱 When the evening shadows and the stars appear, 当夜幕降临,繁星再现 and there is no ohere to dry your tears, 却无人为你擦去泪水 I could hold you for a million years 我愿永世将你捧在手心 to make you feel my love. 让你感受到我的爱 I know you haven't made your mind up yet, 我知道你还没有做出决定 but I would never do you wrong. 但是我绝不会背叛你 I've known it from the moment that we met, 我知道与你相遇的那一刻起 no doubt in my mind where you belong. 我就心有所属 I'd go hungry; I'd go bck and blue, 我愿意为你受尽苦难 I'd go crawling down the avenue. 我愿意为你吃尽苦头 No, there's nothing that I wouldn